
image generated by Sharif Mekawi


  • At Business Cents Technology, we strive to be the cornerstone of support for organizations lacking an in-house technology department or facing tech insufficiencies.


  • Managing corporate risk tied to technology.
  • Understanding both present and future organizational needs, leveraging technology for enhanced operational efficiency.
  • Respecting operational requirements by seeking cost-effective tech solutions.


  • We firmly believe that technology should empower organizations, not encumber them with unreliable systems and unnecessary costs. Our approach prioritizes understanding your operational needs before applying our expertise in technology solutions.


  • Communication in Plain Language: We speak in a language everyone understands, not tech jargon.
  • Valuing Your Data: We recognize the value of your data and prioritize its security.
  • Ethical Practices: Our ethical stance ensures we never exploit tech-naive organizations.
  • Collaboration for Advancements: We collaborate with software developers to continually improve applications for organizational enhancement.
  • Supporting Cost-Effective Solutions: Embracing proven open-source applications minimizes cost and risk for your organization.
  • Positive User Experience: Our goal is to ensure end users have a positive and seamless computer experience.
  • Resource Optimization: We recommend upgrades only when a viable business case supports the need.
  • Data Security as Priority: We emphasize a solid foundation and strategic planning to keep data safe and accessible.


  • Educated in Business and Technology.
  • Technology experience since 1982.
  • Business experience since 1991.
  • Non-profit, charitable, and educational organization involvement since 1998.
  • Engagement with Government, Medical, Legal, and Financial firms since 2005.

Many organizations fall victim to ill-suited computer advice, often from inexperienced technicians or persuasive salespeople. We’ve observed that popular solutions aren’t necessarily the best, most cost-effective, or secure.